Craps is a dice game where you
place bets on die rolls. The betting is broken up into several rounds,
and many different bets can be in play at once.

Standard Bets
To bet, you tap your chips in your
bank in the upper right hand corner, and move them onto the betting board.
To make a standard bet, you can move individual chips straight from the
bank to the board

Custom Bets
Alternatively, you can tap on a
selection of chips to set the special slot at the lowest level of the bank,
which creates a custom bet. Then, once the level of the custom bet is set,
drag the chips out to the betting board. Tapping the circle with the line
through it sets the custom bet to zero.
Step One in Craps Betting
When starting a game of Craps,
you have the option of placing a bet before the first die roll. You can
place a Pass bet, or a Don't Pass bet on the first roll. You can also place
a Proposition bet, but those will be explained later.
If you
place a Pass bet, you win if the die roll is 7 or 11. If you place a Don't
Pass bet, you win if the roll is 2, 3, or 12. If the die roll is 4, 5,
6, 8, or 10, then that number is the point. You keep rolling until you
roll the point again, in which case you win, or you roll a 7, in which
case you lose.
Establishing the Point
So, the first die has been rolled,
and the bets have been placed. How the game proceeds depends on the first
round's roll. If a 2, 3, 7, 11, or 12 was rolled in the first round, the
game ends and you go back to round one after collecting your money.
if the first roll was a 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10, then the game goes into a
second round. After the first round, you bet on the Come or Don't Come.
If you bet on Come, then you roll the dice again. You win if the next roll
is a 7, or 11, and you lose if it is a 2, 3, or 12. If you roll a 4, 5,
6, 8, 9, or 10, then you keep rolling. If you roll the number a second
time, then you win. If you roll a 7, then you lose.
These bets are
made in addition to any Pass bets that have been placed, and often you
can have bets on several numbers at once.
Hard Way Bets
There are four bets that are made
after the Point has been established. These bets not only require that
you roll the Point before rolling a 7, but the Point has to be rolled in
a certain way. These four bets require that the 4, 6, 8, or 10 be attained
by rolling doubles. If you get the Point by a way that doesn't involve
doubles, then you lose the bet.
One-Roll Bets
One-roll bets are risky bets that
can be made at any time. When you place one of these bets, you are betting
that the next roll with be a certain number. The odds for each of these
bets is different, and is printed on the betting board.
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